
are indeed learning creatures, 
living for the present in our
intermediate natures, in what 
we call our human soul, and thus
linked to the spirit above and 
within us, which is the divine 
spark which we essentially are; 
and this human soul is again 
linked to and in the body which 
each one of us has, manifesting
through it, and thus expressing 
itself on this plane and learning 
its lessons here. 
G. de Purucker: 
Man in evolution

V. A. "Saturn Gnosis"
2x10", LOKI (LOKI 25), 2000.
Fir§t Law-Track: "Velochrome 1"
Other participating projects: Turbund Sturmwerk, Blood Axis, 
Inade, Predominance, SRP, Endura, Herbst9

And the critics say:
First Law blends astonishingly bizarre, 
almost otherworldly textures (understated 
instrumental vocalizations, disintegrating 
crystals from afar) and time 
devouring tribalism during "Velochrome 1." 
The track surprisingly ends up in a region 
distinguished by medieval shadings, forging 
an unexpected path in the winding darkness.
Saturn Gnosis brings out the best in all of 
the participants (literally-the First Law and 
Turbund Sturmwerk tracks may be their 
best yet
 First Law (eine uns bislang völlig 
unbekannte Gruppe, die hier mit 
"Velochrome1"und den treibenden, 
aufwühlenden Elementen dieses 
schon triumphal zu nennenden 
Marsches das wechselhafte 
Zusammenspiel von 
"Sonnenhaftem"und "Saturnischem" 
- von "Gold" und "Blei" - geradezu 
"klangalchemistisch" auszudrücken weiß 
(m.E. der Höhepunkt dieses Werkes))